Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Awards Edition #3

Life Is Good Award

  1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award.
  2. Answer the 10 survey questions.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.
  4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked to let them know about the award.

1. If you blog anonymously are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?
 Hmm, I don't blog completely anonymously - there's so much info about me on my blog - that I've revealed in the About Me section, in guest posts, and in my Behind the Blog series. And I like it that way - it's important that readers know the personality behind the blog.

2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side:
LOL - I'm sure that every argument with my parents is a proof of stubbornness. My stubborn side isn't really all that "inner", but it's not as strong as other people's.

3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the mirror?
I see someone that I am happy with. I see myself as someone quite average and plain. I don't stand out in any way, but I'm fine with that.

4. What is your favourite summer cold drink?
Spiders!! Have you ever tried a spider (otherwise known as Ice Cream Sodas)? Put a scoop of ice cream into a glass, and add soda (for example, Coca Cola.)

5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?
I read! Reading has always been one of my favourite pastimes, so whenever I need an escape, I delve into a book.

6. Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?
There's definitely a lot that I still want to do with my life - check out this post here.

7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever , the shy person, or always ditching?

I still attend school, and I would classify myself as the quiet, shy girl that everyone thinks is smart...but isn't really. Here's the thing - because I wear glasses, work in class, and hand in my homework on time, most people automatically assume that I'm smart. Not true, people, not true.

8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment of your life what would you see?
I can't think of a particularly poignant moment at this time - there have been so many significant and touching moments for me, so I can't pinpoint a particular one.

9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?
I think that it is - everything I write on my blog comes from my heart. A lot of myself comes through in everything I say. But this is primarily a book review blog, where I talk about books, so I suppose I am comfortable doing both.

10. If you had the choice to sit down and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?
Seeing my blog is called Book Couture, and I blog about books, I'll leave that up to you to figure out. ;)

Here are the lovely people with wonderful blogs I am passing on this award to:
(Notice that I've done this in alphabetical order - so there's no discrimination. I tried not to pick people who had received this award before.)

Note: I would love it if you accepted the award I passed to you, but you are absolutely under no obligation to pass it on. It would also make my day, and quite a few other people's days if you did, though. *winks*

Versatile Blogger Award
- From 5 lovely ladies:
Hafsah @ Icey Books
Anna @ Books to Brighten Your Mood
Fiction Spark
Brittany @ Nice Girls Read Books 
Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer

Wow! I'm flabbergasted. Thank you all so much for thinking of me - I really appreciate the award.

  1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award.
  2. Write 7 things about yourself that other people might not know.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.
  4. Contact the bloggers you’ve picked to let them know about the award.
7 Things About Me:
1. I've always wanted a pet puppy.
2. I'm always listening to my iPod. Well, not always, but you know what I mean.
3. My favourite fruit is mango, and jack fruit.
4. People often mistake my age - some will think I'm in university/college, some will think I'm in seventh grade (Year 7). It's unimaginably frustrating.
5. I often crack my ankles - weird, I know!
6. Sometimes I'll sleep with one leg outside the covers. Do you do this too? There's even a fanpage for it on Facebook.
7. I have been to two continents - Oceania and Asia.

Here are the lovely people with wonderful blogs I am passing on this award to:
(Notice that I've again done this in alphabetical order - so there's no discrimination. I tried not to pick people who had received this award before.)

One Lovely Blog Award

Thanks very much, Cozy Reader! Check out my previous two acceptances here and here.

I wasn't thinking of passing this award again, but I knew I had to give it to Hafsah from Icey Books - http://www.iceybooks.com/, because her blog is absolutely amazing, and she did that wonderful banner for the Book Contest Directory you can see in the sidebar. She also did a background and our header, helping us out heaps. She's a wonderful gal and totally deserves this.

3/10/2010 - 258 followers
5/10/2010 - 289 followers

Comments (23)

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Thank you so much for thinking of me and congratulations on all your awards!!!
Aww, I've only gotten the The Versatile Blogger Award 4 times. You beat me, though we're even for the One Lovely Blogger Award. I already received a Life is Good Award; thanks for thinking of me though! I'm going to do a collective awards post soon enough. Just letting you know.

LOL I've only been to the same two continents as well. Oh, and I hope you get a pet puppy someday! My Tofu is so adorable. Right now his baby teeth are all fallen out and he's a bit sad, but he'll be hyper again tomorrow. :)
Aw, thank you so much, Tina! :D
Thank you so much for the sweet message, Tina!
And thanks for passing the award on to me! <3
I am your new follower. You can visit me at http://showmemama.blogspot.com. Feel free to leave me a comment, so i know you visited.

Have a great day
Congrats on your awards! And thanks for passing one on to me :)
Wow, thanks so much for this award and CONGRATS to you for receiving so many yourself!
I am your newest follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday! Hope you will return the favor http://adventuresofthedomesticatedmama.blogspot.c...
Thanks so much for the award, Tina!
Hi there, found you through FMBT. Now following and hope you can drop by at one of mys sites below and follow back. Thanks a lot!
Etcerera Etcetera
Spice Up Your Life
Nostalgic Marveling
Obstacles &amp; Glories
Thank you for my award, its posted now.
these awards look fun! i havent gotten any yet on my new blog..maybe soon!!
Happy Tuesday!
i am your newest follower
From Cristin To Mommy
Thanks! You are too sweet. Also, thanks for coming by the blog and entering the contest! :)
Congratulations Tina on winning your awards! And Thank you so much for passing one of them on to me for my blog! I always try to be a "Versatile Blogger" so this award will be a encouragement to me. Hope you're having great weather in Aussie. It's wonderful here in New York today. Happy Tuesday and Thanks again!
Thanks so much! This is a new award for me and I actually got it twice in a few days! I love your hearts with the goodreads, twitter etc... Did you find a website or something that has options to create something like that.. and easy click button?
Congratulations on all the awards! Go you!

Spiders are the best, I haven't had one of those in so long. Now I crave a spider.

Haha about the fan page for sleeping with your leg out of the covers. I swear there's fan pages for just about everything. And people get my age wrong a lot too. It's pretty frustrating when you're still in school, just or more frustrating when you're able to go to pubs and clubs, but weirdly enough it's a compliment by the time you get closer to 30. There's something to look forward to ;)
Thank you so much for this award! I will post it up as soon as I can get a list of awesome bloggers together! :)
I truly appreciate you thinking of me, Tina! You're so sweet! I'll let you know when I get my own award post up on this. Hope you're having a great day!
What a sweetheart! Thanks for thinking of me. :) And congratulations on all your awards!

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your wonderfully kind comments on my blog. I am now following you too and you as well have a fantastic blog here! I envy book blogs, I love to read...but between my babies and my blog I rarely have the time. I hope you will keep in touch and maybe we can coordinate something fun sometime.

Visiting from the blog hops.

Hope you will visit either or both of my blogs and follow.

So Stylilized: FREE Custom Blog Designs: http://sostylilized.blogspot.com/

Jessicas Lil Corner: Family Blog: http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com/

Have a blessed Weekend! :0)
Thank you so much for the award! I love coming home from being out of town and getting surprises!! <3
Thank you so much. It's my third award as of now. I'll make my post soon after I finish the post I'm working on. And Congratulations too for getting this award. Have a nice day!

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