
Grab My Buttons

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About Book Couture

Tina [tee-nuh]: - proper noun
1. an Aussie teen blogger with an unnatural amount of passion for reading.
2. the overenthusiastic blogger behind Book Couture and the Book Contest Directory
Book: A  literary work written by an author.
Couture: [koo-toor] High-fashion clothing created by designers.
Book + Couture = Book Couture 

Book Couture [book koo-toor]: - noun
1. An odd mix of words, together meaning "high-end book fashion".
2. A YA book blog owned by a silly bookworm who babbles too much about books.

                 -taken from "Tina's Imaginary Nonsensical Dictionary"

So what really is Book Couture?

Book Couture is a book blog where I, an Aussie teenage book blogger, am sharing my thoughts on books I love, books I don't love, and everything in between. I write book reviews, participate in memes, and aims to spread knowledge of blogger through my tutorials.

My primary goal for Book Couture is to recommend good books to other people. The most fulfilling thing for me is when someone decides to pick up a book I recommend, and end up enjoying it as much as I did. The thought that someone else out there could be as moved as I am through reading the same story, experiencing the same magic that it evokes, is what moved me to create my own blog.

My favourite genres are fantasy (Harry Potter), paranormal (Vampire Academy), science fiction (Ender's Game, The Hunger Games), historical (The Luxe), and contemporary/chick lit (think Meg Cabot). Although I started my blog initially to read more reviews about books, and record my own opinions, I have found something more - a lively community of bloggers that share stories and listen to each other's thoughts.

To contact me, email me at readingcouture@gmail.com, or leave a comment at http://bookcouture.blogspot.com.

Learn more about Tina: 
Penguin BTL - Guest Editor
YA Blogosphere - Directory Listing
Parajunkee - Feature Friday
Confessions of a Bookaholic - Blogger Love Guest Post

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Other places to connect with Tina

RSS feed - get the latest updates from Book Couture delivered straight to your email

Goodreads -
friend me on Goodreads

Twitter - follow me on Twitter

Facebook - friend me on Facebook

We Heart It - follow me check out the pics I hearted on We ♥ I

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This is the place where I credit the people whose brilliance has contributed to making Book Couture what it is.Thank you very much!

If you find anything on Book Couture that belongs to you and you would like it credited or removed, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

ஜ۩  The background image is called "Victorian Style" and may be found at The Cutest Blog on the Block.

ஜ۩  Header image by my wonderful friend Em, with teacup image from The Cutest Blog on the Block.

ஜ۩  Social Networking Heart Icons by Aravind Ajith, and can be found at The Design Superhero.

ஜ۩ Goodreads and We Heart It icons by Tina @ Book Couture (me). You can use them too! Just right click on them and click on "Save image as...". Just credit and link to me on some page.

ஜ۩  To get symbols like this: "ஜ۩", check out my Symbol list here.


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