Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee, where bloggers spread the love by following each other.
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books, where book bloggers can "connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!"
What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby?
Hobbies? Psh, this is my life.
Nah, just joking. I normally just surf the net (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs), mope about the house, draw manga for a bit (which I've always loved) and well...that's it. I don't really have that much to do, which explains why I get so bored on the holidays.

Well, Fallen by Lauren Kate was really hyped up around the blogosphere, mainly due to its beautiful cover. So I borrowed it from my friend and read it...and lets just say, I didn't like it very much. I am looking forward to reading Torment by Lauren Kate though, because apparently it's quite good. My review of Fallen is here, if you're interested. The review was written a while ago though (about 3 months), and it's the one I'm least proud of. Actually, don't read it...ergh.
Books that have lived up to the amount of hype it received though, are The Hunger Games and Matched. AMAZING books!
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Ashley · 747 weeks ago
Stopping by to say hello!
aobibliophile™ · 747 weeks ago
Sonette · 747 weeks ago
Kah Woei · 747 weeks ago
Nina B. · 747 weeks ago
Meghan · 747 weeks ago
Holly Schindler · 747 weeks ago
aimeectp 42p · 747 weeks ago
Zoe · 747 weeks ago
In The Next Room
Maya · 747 weeks ago
The Shrinking Violet · 747 weeks ago
While I did read Fallen, and thought it was OK, I can't finish Torment. I'm about 100 pages from the end, and I just can't do it. Even though I've heard it gets better, everytime I open the book, I read a sentence then slam it shut. But when you read it, I hope you'll put up a review. I'll decided then. ^^S
Alison · 747 weeks ago
My Hop
Barb · 747 weeks ago
I'm your newest follower! You are the 5th person to comment negatively on Fallen! I wonder if there is anyone who actually like the book?? Drop by my blog and say hi!
Alex/AnimeGirl 114p · 747 weeks ago
For me, a book that lived up to the hype (and actually surpassed it) was Paranormalcy.
Thanks for hopping by my blog, I love your header, it's cute
THe Bookish Snob · 747 weeks ago
Anyway, come by and visit The Bookish Snob. Enjoy your weekend !
The Bookish Snob · 747 weeks ago