Thursday, 2 December 2010

Follow Friday 3/12/10

Book Blogger Hop

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee, where bloggers spread the love by following each other.
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books, where book bloggers can "connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!"

What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby?
Hobbies? Psh, this is my life.
Nah, just joking. I normally just surf the net (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs), mope about the house, draw manga for a bit (which I've always loved) and well...that's it. I don't really have that much to do, which explains why I get so bored on the holidays.

What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?
Well, Fallen by Lauren Kate was really hyped up around the blogosphere, mainly due to its beautiful cover. So I borrowed it from my friend and read it...and lets just say, I didn't like it very much. I am looking forward to reading Torment by Lauren Kate though, because apparently it's quite good. My review of Fallen is here, if you're interested. The  review was written a while ago though (about 3 months), and it's the one I'm least proud of. Actually, don't read it...ergh.

Books that have lived up to the amount of hype it received though, are The Hunger Games and Matched. AMAZING books!

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Oh I have Fallen and torment to read, and I just got Matched so I'm excited to read that one!

Stopping by to say hello!
hi Tina. thanks for dropping by at my blog and for the kind words. i'm now following yours. i recently developed a love for japanese manga and anime and have started to collect books and comics. knowing you could draw manga is so cool. have a great weekend!

Hi Tina! Thanks for stopping by my blog and all the compliments. I feel like such a freshie though. I have changed the look and feel of my blog a thousand times but I am now officially addicted to blogging. I have hardly gotten any work done since I started! Hehe! But I love all the new people I meet, especially those who love reading and couture *wink*. I'm just so glad someone is interested in my rantings and ravings. Enjoy your weekend and chat soon!
I haven't read the book you mentioned. I have to say that I neither the premise nor the cover really attracted despite the hype. :-)
Hi! Thank you for following my blog, I am now your new follower too!
Fallen eh? Classic answer. I didn't even bother with that book. New Follower.
I just found out about the "Follow Friday" meme...LOVE the idea. Love your blog, too...just became a follower...
I liked Fallen, but I'm still waiting on a book to blow me away! I'm a new follower. My hop is at Coffee Table Press
Thanks for visiting and following Tina, I'm definitely following back, lovely blog :)
In The Next Room
Thanks for following and I also didn't enjoy Fallen much and I didn't even finish it :/ but have an awesome day and love your layout where'd you get it from?
Thanks for stopping by.
While I did read Fallen, and thought it was OK, I can't finish Torment. I'm about 100 pages from the end, and I just can't do it. Even though I've heard it gets better, everytime I open the book, I read a sentence then slam it shut. But when you read it, I hope you'll put up a review. I'll decided then. ^^S
Not a Fallen fan either - it was okay, but didn't love it. So cool that you draw manga. I like reading it but can't imagine drawing it.
My Hop
Hi There!
I'm your newest follower! You are the 5th person to comment negatively on Fallen! I wonder if there is anyone who actually like the book?? Drop by my blog and say hi!
Oh, yes! Fallen - I remember the hype and I got to admit the cover for it and for Torment are beautiful, but I'm not really into paranormal (I think it's paranormal, right?) so I never really gave it much thought. I have heard mostly love or hate stuff about it, some adore it some don't.

For me, a book that lived up to the hype (and actually surpassed it) was Paranormalcy.

Thanks for hopping by my blog, I love your header, it's cute
THe Bookish Snob's avatar

THe Bookish Snob · 747 weeks ago

Happy HOP! Haha I didn't like Fallen either and I was just barely starting my blog so I was worried what people would think. Looks to me it's been a huge BOMB because alot of people from this week's HOP didn't like it either. The books I shared this week though were The Hollow and the Bree Tanner novella. I wanted to burn The Hollow it was so painful and the novella was pure fluff. *sigh* Happy HOP! I had a REALLY hard time with The Hollow and the Bree Tanner novella. Posting my review on Stephenie Meyer gave me the image of an angry mob with pitchforks coming to lynch me. LOL gotta love the imagination!
Anyway, come by and visit The Bookish Snob. Enjoy your weekend !
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
The Bookish Snob's avatar

The Bookish Snob · 747 weeks ago

Well what the heck happened there? *looks at her screen* ROFL guess I didn't like it so much that I had to repeat myself!! Oh I see what I did... gotta love the screw up :)

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