Who is excited for Last Sacrifice, the sixth and final book in the highly-acclaimed series by Richelle Mead? If you've read Spirit Bound, you'll remember that the book left off on a very interesting cliffhanger....
Rose is on trial for the murder of Queen Tatiana, Lissa might just be in line for the throne if she can find her half-brother, Dimitri has turned back into a dhampir and is ignoring Rose
Richelle Mead's Site | Last Sacrifice at Penguin AUS | Penguin Australia's Channel | Official Vampire Academy Site (Wallpapers!)
Quote Teaser Trailer 1
"...and there isn't much I wouldn't do for you. The stupider the better."
Sounds like something Adrian would say to Rose...
Quote Teaser Trailer 2
"That's why you're doing this? Because Lissa told you to?"
I personally think it might be something Dimitri says to Rose, because it looks like Rose is trying to escape from male hands. On second thoughts, it could also be Rose talking to someone under Lissa's compulsion.
The other teaser trailers that are out on Penguin Australia's Channel are about the identity of the killer. I think it definitely has something to do with the evil git, Victor Dashkov. But then again, Richelle Mead might do a complete one-eighty and make the murderer someone completely unexpected. Here's the thing, will it be a surprise if we're expecting a surprise?
Who do you think murdered the queen?
Who would you cast as the characters in VA?
And also, Who said the quotes?
C'mon, Last Sacrifice, hurry up and come out!!
Quote Teaser Trailer 3
"I'm backing down now. I really do love you. That's why I'm doing this."
I think it's Adrian. I don't really know what team I'm on now. I was completely Team Dimitri until Blood Promise, and was Team Adrian for a short while, but now I'm utterly confused, but dying for Last Sacrifice.
The other teaser trailers that are out on Penguin Australia's Channel are about the identity of the killer. I think it definitely has something to do with the evil git, Victor Dashkov. But then again, Richelle Mead might do a complete one-eighty and make the murderer someone completely unexpected. Here's the thing, will it be a surprise if we're expecting a surprise?
Who do you think murdered the queen?
By the way, I think Ben Barnes would make an awesome Dimitri:
He was Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Dorain Gray in Dorian Gray and Young Dunstan in Stardust.
He was Prince Caspian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Dorain Gray in Dorian Gray and Young Dunstan in Stardust.
Who would you cast as the characters in VA?
And also, Who said the quotes?
C'mon, Last Sacrifice, hurry up and come out!!
nic · 748 weeks ago
Melissa · 748 weeks ago
Kristina · 748 weeks ago
Alison · 748 weeks ago
Ifmarybooks · 748 weeks ago
OMG I can't wait to read this book :D !!!!!!!
And I'm totally agree with you about Ben Barnes being Dimitri :) .
Ifmarybooks · 748 weeks ago