I haven't done an IMM for ages, so I'm not sure what no. I'm up to. So I'll just start from scratch. :) IMM #1 for 2011. :D
So in the last month: Thanks to these awesome publishers...I'm really honoured and thrilled to read these!
Twisted by Gena Showalter [thanks to Harlequin Teen]
This is book 3 in the Intertwined series by Gena Showalter, so I've got to read the first two first. :) Anyone read this series yet?
Beautiful Days by Anna Godbersen [thanks to Tina at Penguin AUS]
I haven't read Bright Young Things (book #1) yet, but I've been studying The Great Gatsby at school, and it's definitely piqued my interest in the Roaring Twenties/Jazz Age. I wonder if Godbersen's portrayal will also depict the hedonistic and morally decayed society that F. Scott Fitzgerald criticised, or whether she will glamourise the 1920s...
When We Were Two by Robert Newton [thanks to Tina at Penguin AUS]
Tina at Penguin told me that this was one of her absolute favourites, so I'm really eager to read this one! Gosh, I want the holidays to come soon!
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan [thanks to Pan Macmillan Australia]
Eeee! I LOVE SCI-FI and I loved Across the Universe, so I'm pumped for this one. The cover is sooo gorgeous, and the blurb is v v intriguing.
All The Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin [thanks to Pan Macmillan Australia]
THIS WAS SO GOOD. I picked it up and did not stop reading until I was finished...so a review is coming soon!
Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick [thanks to Pan Macmillan Australia]
It sounds along the lines of Gone by Michael Grant - a post-apocalyptic novel in which all the adults disappear after one mysterious phenomenon...leaving behind a world full of kids. I really enjoyed Gone, so hopefully I'll like this too - although I'll inevitably be comparing the two all the way through.
The 39 Clues: The Medusa Plot by Gordon Corman
Conspiracy 365: Revenge by Gabrielle Lord
[thanks to Scholastic AUS]
Scholastic does amazing things with their books to make them appeal to a younger male audience immersed in modern technology. 39 clues comes with collectible cards, and the cover of Con spiracy 365 is really awesome and 3D. I haven't read any of the others, but I'm desperately wishing I had a younger brother to give these to. I'll try to review them though. :)
Frostbite by Richelle Mead [swapped with Lux from The Paperback Heart - thanks!]
I've read this, but I love re-reading VA and I've been painstakingly collecting the whole series to lend out to my cousins/friends, and this one completes it. So thanks so much Lux!
Wolfborn by Sue Bursztynski [Thanks to Sue!]
Sue is a really nice and awesome person in general, so check out her blog here. I'm reading this book now, everytime I take (really long) breaks from doing Maths homework, hence the bookmark.
She sent me a sample chapter about a week ago, and it's really good, so feel free to pop her an email or send me one at readingcouture@gmail.com and I'll forward you the sampler as well. :)
Impossible by Nancy Werlin [swapped with Skye from In the Good Books- thanks!]
This book is about a family of girls cursed to become pregnant at 18, and the only way to break the curse is to fulfil the impossible demands outlined in the song "Scarborough Fair". Quite unique, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks heaps, Skye!
And that's my book haul of the month. Have you read any of these? What did you think?
If not, what books have you been reading?
And link me to your IMM too, if you have one. :)
Happy reading!
Braiden · 707 weeks ago
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
Brodie · 707 weeks ago
So many great books, hope you enjoy these. And yay for another VA fan! <3
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
Ooh, that sounds a little like the Hunger Games - the second part was very different. I'm interested to see what you think of it too. :) Thanks for commenting Brodie!
Shirley · 707 weeks ago
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
Bee · 707 weeks ago
So jealous you got Beautiful Days! I have this thing for the 20s too, and I have Bright Young Things, the first book in the series on my shelf (recent buy) -- can't wait to dive into it!
Seeing so much of All These Things I've Done. Very, very curious about it ;)
And THANK YOU so much for those lovely comments on my blog. You totally made my day :D
And yes, I'm actually an *cough*aspiringwriter*cough*
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
And no worries, I meant them. :) Haha, your comment makes my day too!
Wow, are you writing anything at the moment? I wish you good luck! :D
sash and em · 707 weeks ago
Here's our IMM
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
jowearsoldcoats · 707 weeks ago
I really want to read All These Things I've Done and When We Were Two.
Impossible sounds intriguing too!
Hope you enjoy them :)
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
Nimue · 707 weeks ago
My IMM post
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
Natalia Belikov · 707 weeks ago
It is always nice to meet people from so far away! Australia hell yeah! land of Melinda Marcheta and FInninking of the Rock XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
You got an amazing IMM =9 Im so jealous!! lol! mine is put to shame this weeek XD
have a great day!
*new follower!*
TinaBookCouture 60p · 707 weeks ago
justalillost 38p · 707 weeks ago
The cover for Frostbite reminds me of a Buffy DVD cover or something.. lol
Here's my IMM!
Christina T · 707 weeks ago
I love the cover of Glow. It reminds me a lot of Across the Universe. I am slowly getting all the Vampire Academy books too. I still need to get Frostbite and Shadow Kiss. I am currently debating whether to buy e-books (I have Vampire Academy on my Kindle) or get print books (I have Blood Promise, Spirit Bound, and The Last Sacrifice in print). Such a fantastic series. It is great that you are passing them on to others to read too :)
Liz. R · 707 weeks ago
Naj · 706 weeks ago
cass_wordsonpaper 79p · 704 weeks ago
I was just sent WHEN WE WERE TWO. Didn't know other Tina really enjoyed it. I'll bump it up my TBR list then. Also, I did a little dance, I'm sure, when I got BEAUTIFUL DAYS in the mail a week/two ago.
I have my ARC of GLOW, still not read. I really am terrible with ARCs; too much pressure to get them read and reviewed before release date! Lucky you got the finished copy. It looks to have a shiny finish to it. I've heard mixed stuff about the book though...
Sue Bursztynski · 701 weeks ago