Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
If you haven’t read Anna and the French Kiss, beg, borrow, steal a copy (from a friend who wouldn't mind, of course). Because Stephanie Perkin’s addictive debut will have you falling in love with the gorgeous, imperfect Etienne, on a whirlwind year in the city of lurve, France.
Lola and the Boy Next Door is the companion novel, and it’s coming out 3rd October 2011! I can't wait to fall into another funny, beautiful contemporary romance again.
From the cute cover, I can imagine that Lola has a LOT of spunk, especially with that purple hair. And that boy...*swoon*...
Crossed (Matched #2) by Ally Condie
Matched is the first book in this dystopian trilogy by Ally Condie. It draws the reader into a beautifully crafted world where girls and boys are paired to who the Society deems to be their perfect "match". Cassia is thankful to find that her Match is her handsome best friend Xander, but her whole world is thrown into doubt when she sees begins to tentatively fall in love with the mysterious Ky...
I'm really looking forward to reading Crossed, to discover what happens to Cassia next. Ally Condie's take on a dystopian future ironically has similar references to same kind of restrictions we see in historical novels - the arranged marriage and oppressive ruling. At the same time, the narrative is gentle and beautiful - a wonderful read.
Crossed comes out 31st October 2011.
Bloodsong by Rhiannon Hart
I've heard nothing but praises for this fantasy novel. It's got a beautiful dark, gothic cover that looks a little spooky, but stunning nonetheless. Here's the blurb:
When her sister becomes betrothed to a prince in a northern nation, Zeraphina’s only consolations are that her loyal animal companions are by her side – and that her burning hunger to travel north is finally being sated.
Already her black hair and pale eyes mark her out as different, but now Zeraphina must be even more careful to keep her secret safe. Craving blood is not considered normal behaviour for anyone, let alone a princess. So when the king’s advisor, Rodden, seems to know more about her condition than she does, Zeraphina is determined to find out more.
Zeraphina must be willing to sacrifice everything if she’s to uncover the truth – but what if the truth is beyond her worst nightmares?
Craving blood? Oooo....I hope she's not a vampire, but I haven't read a fantasy for a while and this one sounds like one that'll take the reader on a real adventure.
The Power of Six (Lorien Legacies #2) by Pittacus Lore

There's the good guys (Loriens) that look like humans, but have supernatural powers. Oh, and they're on the run from another race of bad aliens (Mogadorians) who destroyed their planet and are hellbent on destroying Earth as well.
It's a bit cliche, and the writing isn't really eloquent, but the action scenes translated well in the movie adaptation starring Alex Pettyfer and Dianna Agron.
Book 2 just came out in August, and I'm pumped to readthe next part of this gripping series.
Sweetly by Jackson Pearce
Jackson Pearce wrote a dark, sexy and absolutely engrossing retelling of Red Riding Hood with Sisters Red last year. This cover is pretty spooky, and the face you can just make out scares the hell out of me.
It's a retelling of Hansel and Gretel, I'm excited to see how Jackson Pearce remakes the fairytale through Sweetly, which just came out in August.
Jackson Pearce wrote a dark, sexy and absolutely engrossing retelling of Red Riding Hood with Sisters Red last year. This cover is pretty spooky, and the face you can just make out scares the hell out of me.
It's a retelling of Hansel and Gretel, I'm excited to see how Jackson Pearce remakes the fairytale through Sweetly, which just came out in August.
Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta
I adore Melina Marchetta's books, especially Looking for Alibrandi and On the Jellicoe Road. Froi of the Exiles is the sequel to Finnikin of the Rock, and I desperately want to read both! I wonder how Melina Marchetta, wonderful author as she is, will be able to step away from writing contemporary novels to fantasy.
Fiercely loyal to the Queen and Finnikin, Froi has been trained roughly and lovingly by the Guard sworn to protect the royal family, and has learned to control his quick temper. But when he is sent on a secretive mission to the kingdom of Charyn, nothing could have prepared him for what he finds. Here he encounters a damaged people who are not who they seem, and must unravel both the dark bonds of kinship and the mysteries of a half-mad Princess.
And in this barren and mysterious place, he will discover that there is a song sleeping in his blood, and though Froi would rather not, the time has come to listen.
Other books on my radar:
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan - A sci-fi book set in space, said to be similar to Across the Universe?
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Steifvater - I loved The Wolves of Mercy Falls, fingers crossed that this series will be just as enchanting.
Legend by Marie Lu - A dystopian debut that promises to be as good as The Hunger Games. Eee!! 'Nuff said.
Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson - I haven't read Maureen Johnson, but a paranormal murder mystery set in London? Count me in.
Released books I want to read:
Wolfborn by Sue Bursztynski - The lovely Sue is offering a free sample chapter of Wolfborn on her blog, and please, please do yourself a favour and head on over to check it out. It's starting out to be a really, really good fantasy/supernatural novel that I want more of. Divergent by Veronic Roth- This one is another dystopian, and I've only heard awesome things about it.
Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter - I loved Heist Society (#1), can't wait to see what happens to the feisty Kat.
So there we have it! A list of books that I've been spending hours researching (obviously my social life is very hectic...not), and getting VERY excited about. :D
What are some books you want to read?
Not just new/recent ones, but any that you've come across: classics, ones you haven't gotten around to...etc.
Feel free to list a couple. I'd love to see your thoughts!